Alexander Karzon

Even in the face of leftist forces, over 100 faithful Catholics bear witness to Christ as they fight to protect the innocent unborn — this time by leaving their mark on our nation's capital.  

Dozens of Catholic men gathered in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 7 for a combination of events including The Men's March, National Rosary Rally and Rosary Coast to Coast.

The Rally for Personhood

October's first Saturday began with Fr. Stephen Imbarrato — known as the protest priest — celebrating Mass at St. Peter's Church on Capitol Hill.

Shortly afterward, faithful Catholics gathered outside Planned Parenthood on Fourth Street to kick off the Men's March to Abolish Abortion and offered prayers of reparation for the horrors taking place inside.

Event organizers contacted several law enforcement groups in an effort to ensure safety and order throughout the day. With the increased notoriety of these events, counterprotesters were expected. In fact, the abortion lovers seized the opportunity to disrupt the peaceful prayers, ultimately creating a chaotic scene.

While the faithful gathered at Planned Parenthood, officers blocked off the street — a move that Fr. Imbarrato believes may have helped deter women with appointments from coming to the facility to have their child killed.

Fr. Imbarrato had to plead with Supreme Court police to do their job.

Imbarrato testifies, "Having been involved in peaceful, prayerful protests ... that have become chaotic because of counterprotesters … I believe this chaos and confusion at Planned Parenthood absolutely, positively saved babies."  

The counterprotesters followed and heckled the Catholic men as they marched to the Supreme Court to hold the Rally for Personhood.

Rally for Personhood attacked by minions of Satan at SCOTUS!

Upon arrival at the courthouse, the men were met by their families and another wave of counterprotesters. These were not only abortion enthusiasts but also LGBT fanatics.

Jim Havens, cofounder of The Men's March, spoke to those present about the duty of our legal representatives to ensure federal protection for those most vulnerable.

Constitutional expert Hadley Arkes also gave a speech at the rally about the impact of overturning Roe v. Wade and the faithful's next steps in this battle.

During the rally, counterprotesters became more emboldened as they waved obscene signs and attempted to drown out speakers with sirens and by shouting chants such as "bigots go home" and "keep your rosaries off my ovaries."

Interference from counterprotesters got so bad that Fr. Imbarrato had to plead with Supreme Court police to do their job and keep the peace by separating the leftist activists from his group.      

Satan and his minions trying to stifle those standing up against the daily murder of the preborn

After the rally outside the Supreme Court, Fr. Imbarrato processed with the Holy Eucharist to the National Mall, where he led attendees in benediction and emceed alongside the remaining speakers. These included Doug Barry, founder of Battle Ready and cohost of the United States Grace Force Podcast and Sr. Deirdre Byrne, an active missionary sister and superior of her community, Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts, in Washington, D.C.

Fr. Imbarrato processed with the Holy Eucharist

Havens spoke one final time as well, offering a message of hope to all those who opposed the faithful's efforts that day. He emphasized, "There is certainly hope for every single person, no matter how far down [the] wrong road they go. So, we certainly pray for each and every person in this nation — everyone around the world, no matter how far gone they are."

He also pulled no punches in calling the Catholic men to step up and embrace their role in the fight for life. He insisted,  

Men, we have a masculine strength that matters. There's a reason why the enemy wants to silence us and send us to the sidelines when it comes to standing up and defending the least of these — the children in the womb, the pregnant moms in need. We must not be silenced. We must not be sidelined.    

The rally finished with pro-life leaders praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary alongside thousands of others praying as part of the ongoing Rosary Coast to Coast. The initiative asks for the return of our nation to God and holiness.

It was a profound, prayerful, spirit-moved event.

Jim Havens prays alongside Catholics outside Planned Parenthood

Father Imbarrato said of the day as a whole, "These are dynamic events. For me, to be able to process with Our Lord from the Supreme Court to the National Rosary Rally — it was a profound, prayerful, spirit-moved event."

Imbarrato and Havens founded The Men's March with the mission of abolishing the ongoing, daily mass murder of innocent children by abortion. Since 2021, events have been conducted in Washington, D.C. (2021), Baltimore, Maryland (2021, 2022), Tallahassee, Florida (2022), Boston, Massachusetts (2022) and Albany, New York (2023).

For more information on the upcoming Men's March to Abolish Abortion and Rally for Personhood in Boston, Massachusetts on Nov. 4, visit TheMensMarch.com.

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